
Life shouldn’t move so fast that we can’t find one another in the blur.
That we can’t look in each other’s eyes at the end of the day.
But some days it does.

When we stress
and worry
and busy
and hurry.
We hustle
& wrestle
& pass without a word,
racing to keep a leg up on
decisions & duties & dinner.
When we can’t pull off basic communication
Without misunderstanding
Or irritation
Or interruption
When we spend more time clarifying than communicating
And we’re too exhausted to work through it.
Life is so hectic there’s not even room
for a minute

But then you stop me & find my eyes.
You remind me
I am human
And not a limitless force.
You remind me
I am yours.

if we don’t lean in today,
if we don’t share some skin,
if we don’t connect
or cherish
or see one another,
life will outrun us.
And we’ll find the kids have grown,
the years have passed,
the house has emptied,
and we have emptied,
strangers sharing space.

So today we’ll make it happen.
Today you’re mine,
and I’ll linger here for a minute
cause I hope you’ll always be.

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